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We've put together a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions about fishing in Zihuatanejo-Ixtapa, the sport fishing boats in fleet, and what kind of fish you can expect to catch on one of our fishing charters. Have more questions? CONTACT US.

When is the best time to fish for sail, marlin, tuna, etC.?

See our Fishing Chart.

Is food included on the charters?

No, but there is a couple of places right at the pier where you can get sandwiches, and there is too a convenience store open where you can get drinks, snacks etc. or you can also order box lunches to your hotel the night before. It is highly recommended to bring food for yourselves.

I want to fish for a specific species. Can we do that?

Yes, it is possible to target specific species, depending on the time of year, location, water conditions [water temperature, barometric pressure, underwater currents, etc] and the fishing equipment you are using. We will make every effort to fulfill your request.

Can we target wahoo?

Yes, but since wahoo are an incidental catch, usually taken while trolling for another species, it is always hard to predict where these non-schooling, open-water fish will be found. We can supply wahoo lures, or you can bring your own.

Do you have a catch and release fishing program?

Yes, and we encourage all anglers to practice conservation. Let the crew know that you want your fish released, and they will be happy to take care of it.

What fishing tackle is supplied on the trip?

All of our boats are fully equipped with top-of-the-line Penn International and Shimano gear.

If I lose a lure or break a rod, will I be charged?

Yes, you will be charged the replacement value of the item[s].

Do I need a Mexican fishing license? Is it included with the charter?

To fish in Mexico, you need either an US issued Salt-Water Fishing License, or a Mexican Salt-Water Fishing License, which is included in our packages.

Do you have a "No Fish - No Pay" policy?

No. However, every effort will be put on your charters and a chance of a successful good action day is usually over 90%.

Can I fish with my own tackle?

Yes you may, or in combination with our supplied tackle.

Can I bait and hook the fish myself?

The crew is there to assist you. Let them know what you would like.

Who do I make my complaints to if I am unsatisfied with something about my charter?

You will meet the owner of your boat for sure before boarding, in some boats the owners are also the captain of your boat in any instance we will be always available to settle any grievances.

Is live bait supplied with my charter?

No, what we supply and is included in your package is conventional dead bait and lures. However, 90% of the days live bait is available and the prices range is 8usd a dozen.

Where do I get my fish cleaned?

Your catch will be cleaned and prepared for transport by the crew but you need to tell them on the way back since they are not allowed to fillet on the pier.

How do I get my fish home?

Coolers and freezer packets are available for transportation of your catch home. Bringing fillet into the US is not a problem with customs or the airlines.

Can I have my fish mounted?

Should you desire, we can arrange to have your catch mounted through associates in Mexico or U.S.A. Information is available from your Captain.

Can I reserve a particular boat or skipper?

Yes, you may reserve boats/skippers in advance. Barring unforeseen mechanical or other difficulties, you will fish on that boat. Let us know your preferences when you book your charter.

Do the crews on your boats speak English?

Yes, our Captains and crews are bilingual.

Are your sport fishing boats equipped with fighting chairs?

Yes, also you may fish with a rod belt.

What time do the charters leave? Can they leave any earlier?

Standard departure time is 7am. Earlier or later departures can be arranged.

What time do the fishing boats return to shore?

Expect to return to the pier at approx. 2:30 pm

Do the boats have bathrooms? Are they enclosed?

All of our cruiser boats have enclosed heads with bathroom on it; however the Panga boats have only a small toilet with no much privacy.

Can your boats take us fly-fishing?

Yes, but you will need to bring your own tackle.

How much should I tip the crew?

Crew gratuity is not included with any of our charters and is sincerely appreciated by all crews.
As in any service industry the % reflects your satisfaction with the experience.
Gratuity respectfully suggested at 15% and up*

What are the fishing charter rates?

See our  Boat and Fees on top of page

Which airlines service Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo?

Aero Mexico, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Air Canada, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, Mexicana and America West and Several Charter Companies depending on the time of the year.

What documentation do I need to come to Mexico?

A passport, or birth certificate and picture ID. You will be issued a tourist card upon entering the country. Be sure to hang on to it, you will need it to exit Mexico however if you lose it another can be submit but you need to go earlier to the airport.

What is your cancellation policy?

See our Cancellation Policy.

Can I make my reservation without making a deposit?

No. All Confirmed charters require a reservation deposit. When we receive your deposit, we will send your reservation confirmation by e-mail, and the balance due must be paid before boarding. The balance due may be paid in pesos, US Dollars, or Traveler's checks.




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